For happy, confident doggo's
Clients are required to read and sign the following terms and conditions.
I understand:
That Urban Doggo may cease a service if my dog is presenting any concerning medical or behavioural issues.
That Urban Doggo is both a salon and an open play environment so my dog may pass or interact with other dogs whilst on the premises, hence may be exposed to contagious illnesses such as kennel cough.
That grooming can expose underlying medical problems or aggravate an already existing one.
That elderly dogs have a higher chance of being injured during the grooming process.
That I as the owner will be responsible for paying the costs of any veterinary treatment needed, during, or following, the grooming service.
I agree:
That my dog is up to date with all C5 vaccinations or titre testing.
That my dog is up to date with flea, tick, and worm prevention.
I agree to not present my dog while pregnant or in season and understand they will not be accepted for grooming.
To inform Urban Doggo of any previous or current medical issues, illnesses, injuries or concerns that may impact my dog's grooming experience before the grooming process.
That Urban Doggo may cease a service if my dog is presenting any concerning medical or behavioural issues.
To reschedule my appointment if my dog is unwell on the day of the appointment.
To allow Urban Doggo to seek veterinary advice in regards to my dog; whether I am present or not, for any serious issue or accident.
That all veterinary expenses are my responsibility.
To inform Urban Doggo of any injuries/illnesses that may have occurred during the grooming service, which requires veterinary care no later than 48 hours after the grooming appointment.
To provide receipts of veterinary expenses for Urban Doggo if injury occurred during the service.
To allow Urban Doggo to contact the veterinary practice to confirm these expenses.
I understand:
That Urban Doggo has in place safety protocols for my dog and staff.
That grooming equipment is sharp and hazardous (and dogs like to move about), and despite safety protocols accidents can occur during the grooming process.
That grooming can have stressful effects on elderly or unwell dogs.
I will not hold Urban Doggo responsible or liable for:
Any illness, injury or death of my dog while in Urban Doggo’s care, or due to, or following, a grooming service provided by Urban Doggo.
Matted coats
I understand:
That Urban Doggo does not believe in de-matting a dog. This process is painful, stressful and can cause injury. The main concerns of injury include, but are not limited to: cuts, bruising and haematomas.
Fur cannot be left matted as this will aggravate my dog's skin resulting in pain and discomfort.
My dog may be clipped short for its welfare if it is matted.
A longer grooming session may be required.
A fee may be charged depending on the severity of the matting due to the amount of time and care it takes.
If my dog's coat is matted it may not be possible for Urban Doggo to achieve the style that I desire.
I allow:
Urban Doggo to clip my dog’s coat short due to matting. I understand that this procedure may cause injury to my dog – such as cuts or abrasions which may result in irritable itchy skin - for which Urban Doggo will not be held responsible.
*Extra charges may apply
I understand:
All dogs must be up to date with flea, tick and worm prevention.
Urban Doggo does not groom any dog with parasites and that my dog will be turned away if parasites are present.
My dog will be sent home if parasites are found during the grooming process, even if the groom is incomplete.
*Extra charges may apply
I agree:
That my dog is up to date with flea, tick, and worm prevention.
To cover any costs required to remove any parasites from Urban Doggo’s property and other dogs.
To not present my dog with fleas to Urban Doggo.
Ear Plucking
I understand:
Urban Doggo will only pluck ears upon request.
Ear plucking is painful for the dog and can further irritate an ear canal already prone to irritation and lead to ear problems that may not have occurred otherwise, such as ear infections. Plucking the hair from a dog’s ear canal leaves minute openings; essentially tiny wounds–in the skin where bacteria can simply settle more easily.
Reactions to products
I understand:
That Urban Doggo uses only high quality products on my dog however there is always a risk that (through no fault of our own) a dog may have a skin reaction/irritation from something used.
I agree:
To inform Urban Doggo of any and all skin /allergy issues that my dog/s has or have had in the past.
To provide Urban Doggo with an alternative shampoo if I am concerned about my dog’s sensitivity to any products.
To inform Urban Doggo if my dog does have a reaction to in store products ASAP so Urban Doggo can add this to my dog’s file.
Dryer Seizures
I understand:
That there is a risk seizures may occur during blow drying, particularly in elderly or epileptic dogs. Urban Doggo will stop drying and air dry my dog if he/she shows signs of seizing.
This may impact the groom quality as Urban Doggo will only proceed with a welfare groom.
Elderly Dogs
I understand:
That any groom performed on elderly dogs is completed purely for the dog's welfare. Urban Doggo will not risk any dog’s welfare for a high quality groom.
That a welfare groom is done purely for comfort and that it may not be up to salon standards.
I understand:
That puppies or wriggly dogs may not have top quality styled grooms, however best efforts will be made.
That Urban Doggo prioritises positive experiences, desensitisation and the comfort of my dog above all.
Double coat shave-down
I understand:
That Urban Doggo does not recommend shaving a double coated dog all over.
I agree:
That am aware of the associated risks (listed below) and if I choose to proceed I understand and accept that:
My dog’s coat may be damaged or in some cases, not re-grow.
My dog may require sunscreen to protect their skin from being sunburned.
Shaving may cause irritation and/or a rash.
A double coat acts as insulation in both warm and cold weather. Shaving may not help the dog to feel cooler.
Shaving does not reduce the amount of shedding, just the length of the fur that sheds.
Depending on the dog’s coat type and the length requested, clipping down a double coat can look uneven and choppy.
Behavioural Issues
I understand:
That it is my responsibility as the owner to notify Urban Doggo if my dog is aggressive in any way towards people or other dogs.
That Urban Doggo can refuse/stop grooming my dog if it shows any signs of aggressive behaviour or could be a risk of injury to itself, staff, other dogs or clients.
That Urban Doggo does not cater for excessive barking and may refuse a booking if my dog’s volume may disturb surrounding businesses.
Using a muzzle will not harm my dog and is simply a way to keep both the groomer and my dog safe.
I agree:
To allow my dog to be muzzled if necessary.
Grooming timeframe:
When dropping off your dog, you will be advised of the timeframe we anticipate for completion of services. Please keep in mind that grooming can be time consuming and an unpredictable process depending on dog’s behaviour, condition of the coat and client arrival times etc.
Prior to your dog’s appointment:
Please make sure your dog has been to the toilet before their grooming session begins so they are comfortable during the grooming process.
We recommend that you do not feed your dog 30 minutes before their scheduled grooming appointment.
I understand:
That Urban Doggo will do their best to adhere to approximated completion times, however factors outside of their control can influence the length of the grooming process.
That a typical dog groom can take 2-3 hours and longer during peak periods to be completed. This is to ensure all dogs in Urban Doggo's care are given adequate breaks during their appointment. Staff take pride in their grooms and do not rush.
External factors can sometimes impact Urban Doggo's schedule which may put them behind.
That Urban Doggo has the right to refuse to groom a dog at their discretion without a given reason.
Drop off and pick up
I agree:
To arrive 5-10 minutes prior to my appointment.
I agree to clean any messes/faeces my dog makes between the car and salon.
I agree to inform Urban Doggo if my dog has toileted and I do not have appropriate cleaning equipment.
To notify Urban Doggo if there is a change in person for pick up and to provide appropriate contact numbers.
I understand:
That without prior agreement I cannot drop off my dog/s more than 30 minutes before the appointment time.
That Urban Doggo will notify me when my dog/s are ready to be picked up and that for the safety of my dog I will not arrive prior to this notification. I will message Urban Doggo for an ETA instead.
Pick up
I understand:
That this is to keep my dog safe - it is dangerous to work on an over excited dog.
That an overexcited or overstimulated dog may create a dangerous situation during its groom and that Urban Doggo reserves the right to end a grooming session even prior to finishing if unsafe to continue.
I will be charged for the full service fee.
Urban Doggo cannot guarantee appointments will be completed at a specific time. Every effort will be made to do so if notice is given prior to the appointment.
I agree:
That if I arrive for pick up before my dog is finished being groomed I will sit quietly or step outside until a staff member notifies me to collect my dog.
To pick up my dog within 45 minutes of receiving the 'ready for pick up' text. Failure to pick up in this time frame may incur a late pick up fee. If I cannot make it back within this time frame I agree to inform Urban Doggo prior to my appointment.
Not to pressure Urban Doggo staff to rush through my dog’s groom.
To request early pick up prior to my appointment time if necessary.
No Show/Cancellations
I agree:
To notify Urban Doggo with at least 24 hours notice if I cannot make my appointment for any reason.
I understand:
That failure to inform Urban Doggo of this may result in a cancellation fee.
That appointments will be cancelled if I am more than 15 minutes late unless prior notice has been given.
Satisfaction & feedback
I agree:
To inform Urban Doggo before leaving the salon (and no more than 48 hours after the appointment) if I am not satisfied with the service or experience. This will allow Urban Doggo to amend / rectify any grooming issue I may have immediately or note down any changes for the next grooming session.
I agree:
To allow Urban Doggo to photograph my dog before, during and after their grooming service, which may be used for social media, website, client records, advertising and printed promotional materials.
Urban Doggo's prices are based on the size and breed of your dog. Please understand that any fee quoted for a standard cut may vary if the dog is matted or requires a style groom. Please inform us of the exact cut you require at the time of booking.
Please be aware that extra charges may occur if your dog's coat is matted, knotted, maintained to a poor standard, or excessively overgrown. This is because it will take extra time to get their cut to the standard we aim to reach.
Urban Doggo reserves the right to cancel the grooming session if we feel that it's unsafe for our staff and/or the dog to continue. A reasonable fee will be charged for the time spent trying to groom your dog.
An uncooperative or aggressive dog may also incur additional charges as it will require unexpected extra time and care. If we are unable to complete a groom due to behavioural problems or aggression you will be charged the price of the groom.
By signing these terms and conditions, you the owner agree to hold Urban Doggo harmless from any liability or responsibility whilst your dog is in our care.