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​Whether it's a bubble bath, blow dry, paw-dicure or full breed clip, we have you covered! At Urban Doggo we believe in creating positive experiences for every dog we meet. For this reason we only groom a small number of dogs each day, and dogs are groomed on a one-on-one basis.


We understand that not all dogs like the grooming experience. Our aim is to make your dog’s groom as stress-free, relaxed and comfortable as possible. Our skilled (super star) groomers treat your doggo with love, patience and respect whilst in our care.


​Note - Prices are generally based on the size of your dog. Surcharges may apply for hair type, length and condition, along with the temperament of your dog. 


All clients are required to read and accept our grooming terms and conditions prior to their dog's first grooming session.

To book a grooming appointment, call or SMS us on 0435 040 042, or EMAIL US.



A warm bath using premium products, followed by a blow dry, nail trim, ear clean and cologne.

*Not recommended for double coated breeds or matted dogs.


The ideal maintenance groom in between full grooming appointments. Included is a bath and blow dry, eye trim, belly trim, hygiene tidy and feet tidy.

*No length is removed from the body or legs. 


Included is a bath and blow dry, ear clean, nail trim and short, clipped body and legs with a cute, styled face. These include grooms under 13mm.

*Not recommended for double coat breeds. 


A fancier haircut compared to a basic groom.

Included is a bath and blow dry, ear clean, nail trim and style haircut, such as teddy clips and breed specific style cuts. Includes all-over longer length haircuts.


Double / longer coated pups, this is for you. Deshedding is ideal for reducing shedding around the house.
Included is a bath, blow dry and a full body brush out, with undercoat removal.

*No hair in trimmed in this service. Not recommended for matted coats.

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