For happy, confident doggo's
We follow the Animal Welfare Code of Practice issued by NSW Government, Dept of Primary Industries, and PIAA Standards & Guidelines.
All dogs must be in good health with no open cuts, injuries or infections to attend daycare. Please refrain from sending your dog to daycare if they show any symptoms of any illness/condition that could potentially be communicated to other dogs. Dogs that are coughing or have fleas must not be brought to daycare. Owners should maintain a regular flea and worming treatment regime. Should you dog show signs of illness while at daycare, we will contact you.
All dogs must must be up-to-date with a C5 vaccination against Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Bordetella (Kennel Cough). A copy of your dog's current vaccination certificate from their veterinarian is required upon enrolment, and must be provided annually thereafter.
We require all dogs to be desexed by 12 months of age. Any females who come into season, or males you show signs of excessive humping, are not permitted to attend daycare again until they have been desexed.
Kennel Cough:
At Urban Doggo, we take cleanliness and hygiene very seriously, but it does not mean your dog will not get kennel cough during their day session, at the dog park, while visiting the vet, or any other place where dogs congregate. Any dogs showing signs of illness are NOT permitted to enter our facility, however, a dog may be harbouring the virus without showing any symptoms for approx 8-10 days before displaying visible signs of illness. If you suspect your dog has been exposed, PLEASE DO NOT BRING them to Urban Doggo until your veterinarian considers it safe to do so.
Bookings & Attendance:
Bookings can be made online, in person or by calling us.
Similar to a school, having the right combination of dogs is a key priority to ensure our attendees interact with suitable playmates. Matching play styles, energy levels and temperaments is important in maintaining a happy, safe and enjoyable environment for our doggo's. For this reason, preference is given to dogs who wish to attend daycare on a regular basis: at least one day per week, and no less than one day per fortnight. You may choose to have a fixed booking (i.e. a set day/s), or change the day/s as needed. This ensures daily playgroups are familiar and allows the doggo's in our pack to feel comfortable. It also fosters friendships, group harmony and confidence.
Waitlist and Vacancies:
We currently have a waitlist, especially for large dogs. Please complete the brief self-assessment form to register your interest and be added to the waitlist. We will usually advise which day/s are best suited to your dog based on their energy, temperament and play styles,.
We will contact you when a suitable vacancy becomes available. Please be patient. Note - Preference is given to dogs seeking a regular (weekly or fortnightly) position.
Temperament test (TRIAL DAY):
Contrary to popular belief, daycare is not for every dog. It is best suited to social dogs that can easily socialise in groups without fear, aggression or other reactivity. We do not accept aggressive or reactive dogs. We require all new dogs to undertake a Trial Day/s on a probationary basis prior to being accepted into our daycare program. If daycare is not a good fit, we can suggest other pet service options.
Your dog's first day:
Please drop your dog off early - between 7.30 - 8am for their first day (trial day) of daycare, so she/he is the first dog and welcomes the playgroup, instead of the other way around. You will be required to collect your dog early on the trial day/s. After a big day of new sights, smells and playmates, your doggo will be pooped and ready for dinner and a sleep! We advise gradually increasing the duration of visits.
Drop-off and Pick-up:
Drop off is between 7.30am - 9.30am and pick-up is from 3pm to 5.45pm.
If someone else is picking up your pup on your behalf, please let us know beforehand via phone or email.
Please call if you are going to be late, to avoid incurring a late pick-up fee.
Collar & leash:
Your dog must arrive at, and leave, our premises on a leash. The leash stays with us for the day. We request your dog wears a quick release snap or clip collar ('breakaway collar'), with their name tag and phone number. At pick-up time, we will put your dog's leash on. Other collars and harnesses will be removed.
Lunch & treats:
If your dog requires a meal during the day, please bring their food as a single meal/serving in a plastic container with a lid, labelled with your dog's name. No glass containers please.
Please let us know if your dog has any dietary requirements or if you prefer that they do not receive any treats. We also recommend that dogs eat breakfast no later than 45 minutes prior to car travel and ensure they are calm when served dinner after daycare to ensure good digestion.
Daycare Cancellation / no show policy:
We have a strict 24 hour cancellation policy. If you do not provide us with notice or do not show up for daycare, a cancellation fee may be charged. This will be deducted from your saved card or an invoice will be issued, payment of which will be required prior to your dog's next scheduled daycare visit (exceptions made for any medical, family, and/or other genuine reasons).
Cancellations can be made online, or via phone, SMS or email.
If you have prepaid and you provide us with adequate notice your payment can be redirected to an alternative day that week or the following week on your dog's usual schedule daycare day. Refund of payment will not be permitted.
After two no-shows without notice, we reserve the right to withdraw your regular daycare booking.
Fees can be paid in person via card over the counter at reception, or via phone. Payments can also be made via direct debit (online payments will also be available soon). We also have discounted 5 and 10 visit pre-paid daycare passes available for purchase, which are redeemed each visit. Passes expire 6 months from date of purchase. NO REFUNDS. Packages are sold PER dog and cannot be transferred.
All clients are required to read and sign our grooming terms and conditions prior to their dog's first grooming session.
Grooming Cancellation / no show policy:
We require 24 hours notice of cancellation for all grooming appointments. If this is not given, a cancellation fee may be charged.
To book a grooming appointment, please SMS or call 0435 040 042.
Opening hours:
Our daycare operates Monday - Friday throughout the year with a shutdown period of 2 weeks over Christmas (21 Dec 2024 - 5 Jan 2025).
Public Holidays:
Urban Doggo is closed on all public holidays.
We have '10 minute' parking available on site for quick pick-ups and drop-offs during busy times. If you're visiting us during peak pick-up & drop-off times but need more time - i.e. to make a payment, talk to our staff or purchase retail products - please park on street instead (either Denison St, Parry St or Wood St).
Reception hours:
We’re busy motherpuppers during business hours (supervising, bathing and playing with our furry friends). So, our telephone is not always manned, however please leave a voicemail or send us an SMS, and we will get back to you promptly. Likewise you won’t find us playing fetch in our inbox or socials all day; but rest assured, we will do our best to reply as soon as we can so please be patient. Our friendly staff are available to take payments, bookings and answer any queries you may have at drop-off and pick-up times.